The UVC Handheld Sterilizer is a portable LED wand that is effective at sterilizing surfaces of viruses, bacteria, and germs. The UVC Wand utilizes LED UVC Technology, which does not emit Ozone and it is safe to use. The AllerAir UV-C Wand is FCC approved.
The Sun produces UVA and UVB ultraviolet light that reaches the Earth’s surface, but UVC is blocked by our atmosphere. UVC must be produced by specialized lamps.
High-energy UVC damages RNA and DNA in all types of pathogens including viruses, bacteria and fungi. This prevents them from reproducing and reduces the risk of infection.
99.99% of most pathogens can be neutralized with a UVC dose of 50mJ/cm2. This target is often used for hospital disinfection and is appropriate for other applications as well.
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus. Because viruses are not living cells, we generally refer to neutralization — eliminating the virus’ ability to reproduce. UVC dose levels required to neutralize this new coronavirus have not yet been published; however, it is believed to be similar to other coronaviruses that have been shown to be neutralized by UVC.
Yes, face masks can be disinfected by UVC. However, because masks and fabrics have microscopic cavities that are not directly exposed to the UVC light, much higher dose levels are required. Mask disinfection usually involves high-power lamps and may require UVC exposure exceeding 1000mJ/cm2 to adequately disinfect.
In high doses, UVC light can be harmful. The ISO 15858 safety standard recommends that humans should not be exposed to more than 6mJ/cm2 UVC per day. Exposure above this level can produce skin irritation and eye damage (including cataracts from very high doses).
Just as plastics and fabrics can deteriorate from long-term exposure to sunlight (which includes UVA and UVB ultraviolet light), long-term exposure to UVC can also produce damage. However, even daily exposure to 50mJ/cm2 doses will not produce significant damage to most materials.
No, the UVC Wand uses LED UV lights which does not emit Ozone, and the LED UV technology does not use Mercury.
You can use the UVC on any surface that contains Germs, Bacteria, and Viruses. Note: You should never use the UVC wand on your skin. See videos on how to use and where the use the UVC wand.
No, AllerAir has developed a partnership with the OEM manufacturer of the UVC Wand. The UVC Wand is custom made to be durable, reliable, and above all to be safe. Improvements have been made that are unique to the UVC Wand that AllerAir sells, and available only at AllerAir.
Use the AllerAir UVC Sterilizer Wand to sanitize any surface in your home or office. Press and hold the button, to wand over the surface to be sanitized. The UVC Wand should be 1 inch above the surface, then slowly go back and forth over the surface about 5-10 times to thoroughly sanitize the surface.
For more details or to purchase the AllerAir UVC Sterilizer Wand, fill in your details in the form below, we will reach out to you shortly.
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